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A $120k Real Estate Opportunity You Can’t Afford To Miss

17 Oct
Porto old town and dom luis bridge with duoro river, portugal

A $120k Real Estate Opportunity You Can’t Afford To Miss

I’ll have to keep it brief today…

As I write, the sun isn’t yet up here in Porto but scores of your fellow readers who jetted in from across the U.S., Europe, and even Asia, are—and they’re keen to get going on day two of my Offshore Wealth Summit.

Yesterday we covered how to create your own personalized Plan B, talked about freedom of movement, safe havens, back-ups, bug-outs, and wealth management… and that was all before lunch.

When we reconvened, I had to move things around for a last-minute addition to the already packed schedule…

It was a deal too hot to keep a lid on, brought to me by one of my insiders who’d jetted in from his home in one of the world’s best-loved expat havens.

Frankly, it’s the most exciting profit opportunity I’ve seen in this location in 15 years.

For investors, this project is as well placed as could be in a city enjoying an unprecedented tourist boom. It’s in a neighborhood I know extremely well. I’ve owned a home here since 2010—the value of which has increased fourfold in the years since.

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Here in Porto, those gathered in the room have gotten first look at this incredible opportunity—and the chance to get in on the deal for 25% below comparable market value.

Units start at $120k and you can reserve yours with just $5k down. The net return is projected conservatively at 10% to 12% per year and if you’re shopping for capital appreciation, you’ll be positioned to make a minimum of 50%+ on your money by the completion of construction.

Plus, it’s fully turn-key. My contact and his team will handle furnishing, rental operations, and property management. All you’ll need to do is bank your returns.

I always say, if you’re not in the room, you’re not in the deal. It’s never been so true as this week.

But I don’t want you to miss out…

And, with a Virtual Pass, you won’t have to.

It lets you join us “in the room” here in Porto and gives you access to our recordings package so you can catch up on all you’ve missed so far—including my insider’s offer on these incredible units starting at $120k.

Get yours here, now, and you’ll gain access to all that’s ahead over the remaining two days including asset protection strategies, alternative investments, key considerations when buying property overseas, diversifying your portfolio beyond the stock market, offshore structures, foreign tax considerations, cybersecurity, and more…

You’ll also get to participate in our Q&A session with our panel and get access to my rolodex of contacts for all the experts gathered here this week.

I’ve got to run, the room is filling up and we’re about to get underway on day two with more opportunities, discounts, and deals on the horizon.

I hope you’ll join us.

Stay diversified,

Lief Simon

Lief Simon

Editor, Offshore Living Letter