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30 Profitable Deals Every Year


This Investment Has A 98.8% Success Rate…

From time to time, an opportunity crosses my desk that’s simply a “no brainer.”

What I’m going to tell you about today is one of those opportunities…

Let me explain.

There’s a company you’ve never heard of…

They don’t advertise. They’re not shouting from the rooftops about what they do.

They like to fly under the radar.

In fact, in the past, they’ve done business only by word-of-mouth…

I would never have heard about them either—except for my contact on the ground. He gave me the details…

This is an old-school investment firm. Discreet. Personal.

But this company you’ve never heard of has built more than 4 billion dollars’ worth of real estate.

For short, let’s call them The Firm.

The Firm has brought consistent returns like these to investors in their deals…

· 6%+ annual cash payments

· 10% returns every year

· 100% pre-tax profits

Read on to discover how you can get access to deals like this—up to 30 deals with returns like these, every single year…

Big Profits In Ireland’s Booming Economy

I’m especially excited to bring you access to these dealmakers because they’re based in Dublin.

I have a soft spot for Ireland. The first international move my wife Kathleen and I made, was to Ireland. (I even have an Irish passport, thanks to the time I lived there.)

Ireland was also my first international property investment.

We bought a 200-year-old Irish country home with 7 acres of land, right before Ireland’s property market really took off in the 2000s…

Seven years later we sold it for FOUR TIMES what we paid…

We got in just as the market was about to skyrocket—and sold at the top. We bought… and we sold… at just the right times.

Kathleen and I had a front-row seat as Ireland’s economy took off like a rocket in the 2000s.

It was fueled by American companies setting up operations there. The new jobs and new wealth created Ireland’s booming property market…

In the 30 years from 1973 to 2003, Ireland’s GDP increased more than 4X. The average price of a new house went from 9,009 euros in 1973 to 224,567 euros in 2003.

It was right in the middle of this roaring “Celtic Tiger” economy that Kathleen and I owned our Waterford home… and The Firm I’m writing about today was set up…

The Irish are savvy. The Emerald Isle was hit hard by the 2008-09 Great Recession… but the multinationals continued to base themselves in Ireland, thanks to its English-speaking population and 12.5% corporate tax rate, the lowest in the EU.

Ireland’s economy came bouncing back… and today this tiny country of 5 million people has the second-highest GDP per capita in the world, according to the IMF.

And Ireland has the highest per capita GDP in the world based on purchasing power parity. (PPP basically measures what you can buy in one country compared to others, after currency conversion is taken into account.)

Along with Monaco and Switzerland, Ireland is a strong contender to be “the richest little country in the world.”

Go Offshore Today

Sign up for our free daily dispatch Offshore Living Letter and immediately receive our FREE research report on how to live tax-free today, while earning up to $208,200!

Twice a week you will discover the absolute best locations to invest, buy foreign property, diversify, and protect your hard-earned assets.

This is from where The Firm operates their business.

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Sign up to our free twice a week dispatch Offshore Living Letter
and immediately receive our FREE research report
on how to live tax-free today, while earning up to $215,200!


A 98.8% Success Rate For Investors…

I only work with the best. Those who show proven, consistent results.

And The Firm I’m now working with in Ireland has an unbelievable track record.

In over 500 investments, they have lost money for investors only 6 times. (And those few times were all around the Great Recession of 2008.)

That’s a 98.8% success rate.

For more than a decade—since 2012—they have never lost money for investors.

As an investor, this is as close to a “sure thing” as you’re ever going to see.

Typically, investors with this group see 75% or 100% pre-tax profits… in as little as three years… with annual cash payments as well.

The Firm has been in business for more than two decades… and making investors money all that time.

Their name is known to high-net-worth families…

They’re frequently approached by major private equity groups like Bain Capital, founded by U.S. senator and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Groups like Bain Capital are practically begging The Firm to invest money on their behalf… because they see how good the returns are.

But The Firm doesn’t take money from institutional investors like Bain Capital—now or ever.

They want to stay under the radar. They only serve private individual investors… like you.

They stay hush-hush—and they don’t accept institutional investors—because they’re working to serve each individual client.

Ultimately, The Firm is able to bring such great deals to investors because they know all the right people.

Today, I am offering to introduce you to this firm… and get access to their investments.

The Firm has three core investment products:

1. You can loan money to developers

  • Contribute to the capital that The Firm loans out to developers
  • These loans have 1- to 2-year terms
  • Maximum 60% loan-to-value with first charge real estate security
  • It all spells strong returns for investors of about 10% every year.

2. You can invest in construction

  • Provide capital for the development of private residences, government housing, hotels, and assisted living facilities
  • The investment term is 1 to 3 years
  • You’ll earn anywhere from 35% to 100% pre-tax profits.

3. You can invest in rentals and retail

  • Invest in multi-family homes in the private rental sector in America—these are three-year investments with 75% to 100% pre-tax profit
  • There are also investments in U.S. retail real estate. These are 36-month investments that pay 6%+ annual cash distributions with an overall 75%+ pre-tax profit.

Get the full story behind this firm’s success… see some sample investments (and the exact returns involved)… and learn how you can get in on the action.

Stay diversified,

Lief Simon

Editor, Simon Letter

Lief Simon: