Welcome to Offshore Living Letter, Your #1 Resource for Offshore Diversification

Author: Lief Simon

16 Feb
Economic Collapse In Europe

Economic Collapse In Europe

Europe Is Collapsing! Should You Care? At lunch yesterday, a friend here in Panama City asked what I was going to do with my apartment in Paris now that "Europe has collapsed." I wasn't sure how to respond for a couple of reasons. First, I hadn't realized that Europe had collapsed...that all of Europe, every [...]
30 Jan
Global Investing For Diversification Of Assets And Currencies

Global Investing For Diversification Of Assets And Currencies

So You Think You're Diversified? A friend who attended my wife's Live and Invest in Colombia Conference last week told me that, while he has traveled all over the globe and has friends in many different cities around the world, he had never, until last week, considered buying real estate in another country. Despite this, he has [...]
26 Jan
Safety And Crime In Medellin, Colombia

Travel Safety

Why Do We Keep Lying To Our Readers? As I'm in Medellin this week, I'm reminded of an e-mail from a reader from a few months ago. This reader was demanding a retraction of our endorsement of Medellin as a retirement and investment destination because he had done some Internet research and found "conclusive" information [...]
19 Jan
Global Currency Investing

Global Currency Investing

What Happens When A Bicycle In Singapore Costs As Much As A House In The United States? Organizing your life so you don't have to worry about the day-to-day ups and downs of the world's currency markets, as we discussed on Monday, doesn't mean you shouldn't be watching to take advantage of currency fluctuations as [...]