Welcome to Offshore Living Letter, Your #1 Resource for Offshore Diversification

Author: Lief Simon

26 Jan
Safety And Crime In Medellin, Colombia

Travel Safety

Why Do We Keep Lying To Our Readers? As I'm in Medellin this week, I'm reminded of an e-mail from a reader from a few months ago. This reader was demanding a retraction of our endorsement of Medellin as a retirement and investment destination because he had done some Internet research and found "conclusive" information [...]
19 Jan
Global Currency Investing

Global Currency Investing

What Happens When A Bicycle In Singapore Costs As Much As A House In The United States? Organizing your life so you don't have to worry about the day-to-day ups and downs of the world's currency markets, as we discussed on Monday, doesn't mean you shouldn't be watching to take advantage of currency fluctuations as [...]