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Category: Residency

08 Feb
Dominican Republic beach with palm trees and sunset

Why the Dominican Republic in 2016?

Here are answers to frequently asked Dominican Republic questions to help you consider and process the investment, residency, citizenship, and other opportunities on offer in this sand-fringed jurisdiction… Q: Do you have to be a resident to open a bank account? A: No. Q: Is there a minimum deposit requirement when opening a bank account? […]

07 Jan
View of Panama City Beaches region and the ocean

Living In Panama Is Getting Better All The Time

Back home in Panama City after nearly three weeks on the road celebrating the holidays, first Christmas in the States, then New Year’s in Medellín, Colombia, we return to our adopted home town with rejuvenated eyes and a fresh perspective. And we’re reminded why Panama is a benchmark against which other retirement havens are compared. […]

26 Nov
Spending Thanksgiving Outside The U.S.

Spending Thanksgiving Outside The U.S.

To realize your American Dream, take your skillset and go in search of opportunity. If your agenda is that of a general entrepreneur, the world is wide open. If you have specific training or experience that you want to continue using, almost any developing market could accommodate. No need to reinvent the wheel. Like the […]

05 Nov
Why Being Scared Of Nicaragua Is A Misstep

Why Being Scared Of Nicaragua Is A Misstep

I’ve been putting on conferences around the world for more than 25 years. This has never happened before. Lief is in Managua this week for our Live and Invest in Nicaragua Conference. More than half the folks who registered for the event aren’t in the room with him. They cancelled their attendance. We always have […]

10 Aug
Diversification Strategy: Planting Five Flags

The Diversification Strategy Of Planting Five Flags

I’m reviewing and clarifying my ideas related to the Five Flags theory of diversification in preparation for my opening remarks at the Wealth Summit I’m hosting in Panama in October. If you’re new to the idea, the Five Flags are to do with residency, citizenship, banking, assets, and business. Not everyone needs all five flags […]

01 Jun
View from Q1 looking north

The Benefits And Advantages Of Living, Retiring, And Investing Offshore

I’m traveling in the United States this week. The visit is reminding me that, in fact, this is one of the easiest places in the world to live and spend time. You might wonder understandably: Why do anything offshore in the first place? Easier, surely, just to stay put. Overregulation, overreach, invasions of privacy, and […]

25 May
ecuador beach manabi puerto lopez

How To Choose The Best Place To Retire Overseas

A reader of my wife’s Overseas Opportunity Letter wrote in over the weekend to say that a friend told her Ecuador is closed. That country is full up and not taking any more American retirees. Therefore, the friend will be moving to Granada, Nicaragua, instead and suggests that we update our recommendations. We shouldn’t be […]

21 May
best residency options

Live And Invest Overseas Retire Overseas Conference Showcases The World’s Best Residency Options

One important piece of internationalizing your life is establishing residency in another country, either because you intend to move to that country or because you want a backup residency in your back pocket in case things go completely sideways and you decide it’s time to bug out. You have many good options in either case, […]

07 May
Dominican Republic Real Estate

Real Estate, Residency, Citizenship, And Banking In The Dominican Republic

Three years ago, a colleague started the process of applying for residency in three countries—Uruguay, Paraguay, and the Dominican Republic. His overriding objective was citizenship. He focused on those three jurisdictions because each offers liberal residency and naturalization rules. My friend gave up on Uruguay when he learned that this country’s naturalization process would require […]

25 Dec
Christmases Past Offshore

Celebrating Christmas In Ireland, Paris, And Panama

Our seven Christmases in Ireland, we could never bring ourselves to participate in one of Ireland’s quirkiest festive traditions, what the Irish refer to as the “Christmas Day swim.” On Christmas morning, from beaches, piers, and coves around the country, people of all ages gather to immerse themselves in waters of around 50 degrees Fahrenheit […]