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Category: Residency

29 Jul
Top Three Havens For Privacy, Freedom, And Straightforward Residency

Top Three Havens For Privacy, Freedom, And Straightforward Residency

Goodbye Uncle Sam, Hello Privacy Personal privacy and government spying are hot topics in the United States and Europe these days. Half of the country was shocked when they learned the extent to which the U.S. government is spying on us. Even some members of congress claimed to be stunned (those who apparently didn't read [...]
08 Apr
Relocating Overseas With Your Children

Relocating Overseas With Your Children

Go Offshore And Take Your Kids With You With more and more people looking to move not only their assets but also themselves offshore, the question is coming up more often. That is, readers are writing regularly to ask: Should I move with my kids? Decades ago, a term was coined for children who grow [...]
31 Jan
Self-Sufficiency In Belize

Self-Sufficiency In Belize

Top Choice For Living The Self-Sufficient Life Self-sufficiency. It's what built the American West. Farmers and ranchers pushing toward the Pacific in search of their fortunes, pioneers building new lives on land where they laid claim and where they knew they could take care of themselves and their families themselves, beholden' to no one. That [...]
24 Jan
2013 Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

2013 Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

The most important tool in the U.S. expat’s tax toolbox is the foreign-earned income exclusion (referred to in tax-planning circles as the FEIE or ‘the exclusion’). If you qualify, it allows you to exclude up to US$97,600 in 2013 foreign-earned income from U.S. federal income tax.

17 Jan
The Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language

The Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language

Give Your Kids The Gift Of Another "Voice" One benefit of going offshore for my kids that I didn't think about until I watched it happening is to do with language skills. Many Americans still think the entire world should learn English...and much of the world does. In Latin America, families who can afford it [...]
31 Dec
How To Live Well On A Budget Overseas

How To Live Well On A Budget Overseas

I’ve been living overseas so long that my wife tells me I don’t know what things cost in the “real world” anymore, especially, she assures me, as my current frame of reference is Panama. Certainly, our first 24 hours or so in New York City last week, I thought she must be right. I must […]

13 Dec
Black Market Passports

Black Market Passports

Hey, Mister…Wanna’ Buy A Passport? Getting a second passport isn't easy unless you're born with more than one citizenship. My son Jackson was born in Ireland when they were still granting automatic citizenship to anyone born on Irish soil. This changed a few years after Jackson was born, because many "refugees" from Africa were manipulating [...]
03 Dec
Why Learn A New Language Overseas

Why Learn A New Language Overseas

One benefit of the way our children are growing up is their language skills. While I speak decent enough Spanish to get by when I have to and can even now read legal documents well enough to get the gist, my kids are fluent in both French and Spanish (along with English). They can switch […]

19 Nov
Taking the most beneficial option under IRS regulations isn’t tax evasion. It’s using the rules to minimize your taxes burden.

Tax And Immigration Support For Americans Overseas

At last week’s Offshore Summit in Panama, one theme that came up in many of the presentations was professional competence. The context was everything from immigration professionals for establishing foreign residency and obtaining a second citizenship to tax professionals to help U.S. persons take advantage of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and attorneys to set up structures […]

05 Nov
How To Create A Self-Sufficient Life Overseas

How To Create A Self-Sufficient Life Overseas

Emergency planning. It’s a common topic in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. It’s not only economic disasters, currency collapses, bank failures, and stock debacles we need to plan for. It’s natural disasters, too, as Sandy has reminded the world. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, typhoons, monsoons, winds, flooding, drought. Few places in the world are free from […]