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Category: Residency

05 Nov
Blue sign warning of that face mask is mandatory due to Covid-19 or coronavirus in airport.

What Traveling To Europe In November 2020 Is Like

Getting to Ireland wasn’t a concern. Returning Irish citizens are allowed to enter Ireland from anywhere. You have to complete a form online that includes where you will be staying for your first 14 days after arrival, as the Irish government wants you to self-quarantine for that period. However, no destination information is required if […]

The 8 Best Economic Citizenship Programs That Will Be Your Pass To A Second Residency

Special Report: World’s Top 8 Second Passport Programs The term “economic citizenship” refers to a passive, one-time investment in a country that leads to citizenship and a second passport. In the 1990s, several countries offered buy-a-passport programs—officially known as Citizenship By Investment Programs, or CIPs—that became corrupted and eventually discontinued because citizens carrying those passports [...]
30 Jul
irish residency

How Residency Rules Impact Your Second Passport Process

An Open Apology To My Daughter (Here’s Why She Doesn’t Have A Second Passport) It wasn’t until after my son Jackson was born, about 20 years ago, that the idea of a second citizenship crossed my mind. Jackson was born while we were living in Ireland. As a result, he was both a U.S. citizen [...]
13 Jan
portugal passport and dollars

Ignoring This Second Passport Advice Could Land You In Jail

Beware Black And Gray Market Passports A passport doesn't necessarily mean citizenship. You can obtain citizenship in another country through naturalization... and then, as a citizen, apply for a passport from that country. The other way around doesn't work. I’m talking about what are referred to as grey- and black-market passports. They'll land you in [...]
04 Nov
church and colorful houses, cobh ireland

Options For Getting Your Child A Second Passport At Birth

Serious Legacy Upside Kathleen and I were living in Ireland when our son Jackson was born. I wish we could take credit for being impressively strategic in our planning, but the truth is that Waterford just happened to be our home when Jackson arrived on the scene. You could say that this geographic happenstance turned [...]
09 Sep
View of tropical beach in Nicaragua

Our Official List Of The World’s Easiest Residency Programs

5 Best Places To Establish Backup Residency Right Now This is primarily a lifestyle event; the focus is on where and how to live or retire overseas. However, the number of people at this year’s event asking questions about opportunities for backup residencies and second citizenships is significant… many more than at any other Retire [...]
06 Jun
View of the blue Mediterranean from Greece

7 Best Countries To Qualify For Residency Overseas

My 7 Top Second Passport Picks The American interested in establishing residency or citizenship in Europe has more options today than ever in history, depending on how much time and money you're looking to spend to achieve the objective. If you have the budget, for example, you could make a 250,000-euro donation to the arts [...]