I’m going to let you in on some of my secrets today… some tips for finding the best people to work with on your overseas journey… Developing an advisory infrastructure—that is, legal, financial, tax, banking, and structures resources—in the places where you want to live or invest overseas is critical to building a globally diversified [...]
High prices, a high mortgage rate, and dwindling supply… Prospective homebuyers in the United States face a near-impossible situation, and home sales are suffering as a result. They’re at their lowest levels in 13 years. Instead of waiting on a frozen market to thaw, those interested in buying property for lifestyle or investment should look [...]
Jimmy Buffett found his island escape when he relocated to sunny, sand-fringed Key West, FL, from Nashville, TN, in the early 70s. He’d been trying to make it in Nashville’s music scene, but with his unique style that wasn’t quite country and wasn’t quite rock, he didn’t have much success. Everything changed after a busking [...]
This Investment Has A 98.8% Success Rate… From time to time, an opportunity crosses my desk that’s simply a “no brainer.” What I’m going to tell you about today is one of those opportunities… Let me explain. There’s a company you’ve never heard of… They don’t advertise. They’re not shouting from the rooftops about what [...]
From record-breaking international interest to the cancellation of the highly popular real estate investment category of its golden visa program, Portugal has had a whirlwind 2023. Does this country still make sense for property investors as we make our way into 2024? We’re putting together an event in April next year that can help you answer [...]
Big news from one of my favorite offshore havens—the country where Kathleen and I spend most of our time (and base our business)… Last week, Panama’s Supreme Court made a ruling with major implications. Panama has faced weeks of protests over the government’s renewal of a contract with Canadian corporation First Quantum, which operates the [...]
“Where will people buy their groceries?” That was the first question one of the civil engineers we engaged asked at the very beginning of the planning for our residential development on the Azuero Sunset Coast of Panama—Los Islotes. She had never been to this part of the country, but she knew it didn’t have much, [...]
We live in uncertain times. Times of political turmoil, climate change, economic crisis, and war. Only the strongest nations shall survive… Or will they? The reality is not what it seems. The ability of a country to absorb shocks and survive is not always directly related to its wealth or military power. The Simon Letter [...]
You make three decisions in life that matter. You choose what to do to support yourself. You choose who to come home to at night (or maybe you choose to come home to no one… fair enough). And you choose where to come home. Lief and I made the first two decisions long ago, but [...]
The world is on the brink. War in the Middle East… The United States has issued a rare “Global Terror Alert” in the wake of events in Israel and Gaza. War in Russia and Ukraine… The Biden administration has plowed 60 billion dollars into this conflict so far—with no end in sight. Far from protecting [...]
Offshore Living Letter is a publication of Live and Invest Overseas. Our goal is to provide timely, actionable information on all things offshore, including: how to go offshore, diversifying your portfolio, wealth creation, protecting your assets, and much more.