Offshore Living Letter is a publication of Live and Invest Overseas. Our goal is to provide timely, actionable information on all things offshore, including: how to go offshore, diversifying your portfolio, wealth creation, protecting your assets, and much more.
Category: FEATURED
“Few people like you make it this far,” our guide Anthony told us with a big smile as we approached the ruins of the central pagoda of the 2,300-year-old city of Jiaohe. He meant white people. In this part of this country, the travelers are nearly all Chinese. The burgeoning local middle class is keen [...]
I Shot A Navy SEAL
I was in the middle of the Nevada Desert… I pushed through the door of the house, and shot the man on the other side… The guy I shot was a retired Navy SEAL. After hitting him, I took out two more guys… What was going on? The Navy SEAL was one of our SWAT [...]
What To Do When Disaster Strikes
The thing bluewater sailing teaches you… is that if something goes wrong on a boat, you are all alone. The sensible person always has a backup plan, a Plan B. In my 20s, I sailed a small yacht, mostly solo, three-fourths of the way around the world. This journey took seven years. (My sailboat is [...]
Going Back To The Land
You probably saw the news. Last month, Theodore John “Ted” Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, was found
Why You Should Start Legacy Planning Today
Giving money to your kids without first thinking through a big-picture strategy can create big problems… for you and for them.
Why Cayo, Belize Should Be Your Plan B Destination
Why This Particular Spot In Belize Is Part Of My Personal Plan B Today I’d like to speak with you about a little-known escape in Belize that's about to take off... Last year, amid the pandemic and civil unrest and political upheaval in too much of the world, this little slice of paradise saw a [...]
Why You Should Be Investing In Hydroponics
Hydroponics is the growing of plants in nutrient-rich water, usually with no soil. Plants grow larger, faster, and produce more fruit than conventional farming methods.
The Growing Political Divide And What It Means For Your Investments
Investing In The Current Political Climate I just finished a fascinating read. It's called "The Big Cycle Of The United States And The Dollar," written by investor and economist Ray Dalio. If you have an hour or two to spare this week, I suggest you read it. It's available free on Ray's LinkedIn profile. While [...]
The Money Super Cycle And How You Can Use It To Your Advantage
The Money Super Cycle Is Ending—Here’s How You Profit If you've been following the financial world, then you've probably come across the phrase "super cycle." Typically, it's related to commodities, such as the gold super cycle, the oil super cycle, or the copper super cycle. The premise is that these commodities move in decades-long super [...]
What’s Going To Happen To The U.S. Dollar In This Decade?
4 Predictions As We Embark On A New Decade So… we’re starting the ‘20s. Before we consider what this new decade might look like, let’s take a look at the ‘10s and what they brought. At the start of last decade, offshore and investment gurus were calling for the collapse of the U.S. dollar. The [...]