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From Crisis To Opportunity In A Single Step

22 Jul
Aerial panorama of the city of Bariloche, Argentina

From Crisis To Opportunity In A Single Step

Last week as shots rang out in Butler, Pennsylvania, the U.S. came within an inch of all-out chaos.

Then came the CrowdStrike computer crash which grounded flights and downed systems in hospitals, emergency services, banks, governments, schools, and more around the world.

Now, Biden has declared himself out of the running in the presidential race leaving the Democrats scrambling to fill the gaping hole on their 2024 ticket.

One thing is clear. The train ain’t leaving crazytown any time soon.

So, beyond the obvious… carry cash, carry groceries, and where you can, carry a gun… what’s to be done?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: get your Plan B in place.

Your Plan B could ultimately include a second citizenship, offshore bank accounts, corporations, and trusts, as well as a diversified international portfolio of assets including real estate…

I have all of the above and can help you achieve a similar set-up that works for you—but that’s a step ahead… The starting point for any Plan B is lifestyle and that’s a call only you can make.

Begin this process by thinking about where you’d like to be… about what you’d like your life to look like.

To help you narrow down your options, this week we’re hosting our Retire Overseas Virtual Conference to shine a light on 16 destinations that make sense for anyone looking outside home borders for fun, for profit, as a back-up plan in troubled times, or all of the above…

My ideal Plan B destination is a country that’s self-sufficient when it comes to energy, food, and water and has some manufacturing base. If every country becomes isolated, you want to be in a country that can produce all the necessities of living.

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I’d also say that I want to be in a country where either everyone has a gun or no one has a gun.

You also need to know you can actually get yourself there come what may.

I’ve got more than one Plan B… situations where I own property in places my family and I could live self-sufficiently if we needed or wanted to… including Los Islotes in Panama, a farmhouse in Croatia, and an island escape in eastern Canada…

If disaster hits in one spot, I have options. And that gives me comfort.

But I didn’t set out on this offshoring path because of disaster and you don’t have to either… although in the U.S. today it is looming larger than ever…

So sure, these are challenging times, but they’re also exciting.

In 1492, Columbus discovered a New World that became home to an empire that changed the world and the course of history.

We’re living through change on this scale again right now, and with it comes serious opportunities that can transform your life, upgrade your retirement, and secure your legacy.

At the Retire Overseas Virtual Conference we’ll show you how you can do just that in destinations including Italy, Portugal, Argentina, Mexico, Thailand, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and beyond.

It’s an easy first step to take on the path to what could be the adventure of a lifetime.

I hope to see you there.

Stay diversified,

Lief Simon

Lief Simon

Editor, Offshore Living Letter