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I Shot A Navy SEAL

12 Oct
View from an airplane to fjords in Norway

I Shot A Navy SEAL

I was in the middle of the Nevada Desert…

I pushed through the door of the house, and shot the man on the other side…

The guy I shot was a retired Navy SEAL.

After hitting him, I took out two more guys…

What was going on?

The Navy SEAL was one of our SWAT force trainers for the day.

Lief and I had booked this outing for about a dozen of our close friends and colleagues.

Several among our group had never before fired a gun.

Yet there we all were, in the desert, in full SWAT gear learning to shoot and strategize in pursuit of “bad guys.”

(The bullets weren’t real, of course. But, if one got you on an unprotected body part, it sure did sting.)

Our Portuguese attorney friend Duarte—one of these first-time shooters—got seriously into the role-play.

“Hey, I’m tired of being a good guy,” he said late in the afternoon, after we’d spent a couple of hours running house-clearing exercises.

“Could I play a bad guy next round?”

It’s times like these when you really get to know people.

Not everyone would be up for a day of SWAT in the desert sun…

But, somehow, after three decades moving and doing business around the world the way Lief and I have, we’ve been lucky enough to find and form friendships with several dozen folks for whom the idea isn’t crazy…

Going shooting with friends
Going shooting with friends…

These are hardworking, super-smart, uber-successful people who share a worldview and who have learned not to take themselves or anything else too seriously. People seizing opportunity at every turn.

Spending time and doing business with these like-minded, open-thinking guys and gals is, for me, the biggest benefit of the live-and-invest-overseas lifestyle Lief and I embrace.

A Personal Invitation…

This is Kathleen here, by the way, with Lief at my shoulder, watching every word I type…

Because the invitation I’m extending to you today comes from both of us…

It involves spending time with both of us—and this close circle of smart and successful friends—in our favorite places around the world… as well as new frontiers we plan to explore…

And, I’m not just talking about adrenaline-filled days out shooting targets in the desert.

Though we plan to gather for at least one adventure a year, there’s much more to this opportunity…

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Ultimately, we’d like to expand our circle of experienced, globe-trotting friends by welcoming in a number of our like-minded readers…around the world…

People—maybe like you—who would welcome the chance to:

  •  Tap into our experts’ decades of expertise (in person and on a regular basis)…
  •  Join us on our travels (for both business and pleasure)…
  •  Give yourself the ultimate international lifestyle (sooner rather than later)…

We’re calling this upper echelon of readers and friends our Private Network.
And, before I tell you about all the benefits we have lined up for members of this circle, I must point out one critical thing…

The success of Private Network hinges on its small size. We want to ensure that, whenever we come together, our meetings are productive—and that we give each of our members the attention he or she deserves.

So, at this time, we can only accept a small number of Private Network members.

To be honest, this opportunity isn’t for everyone.

But, if the idea of keeping regular company with Lief and me and our trusted experts in the business of living, investing, and doing business overseas—the very people who can help you launch your new life in the smoothest and fastest way possible—appeals to you, then you’ll be interested in my invitation today…

An adventure in Pamplona, Spain
An adventure in Pamplona, Spain…

“Friends And Family” Access

In a nutshell, what you get as a member of our Private Network is the ultimate “insider access.”

You’ll get the same updates about our travels we send to friends and colleagues… and you’ll be able to join us, wherever we are around the world.
You’ll travel with us on our adventures… you can even enjoy free accommodation at any of our properties around the world…

And, you’ll get access to Lief’s real estate scouting trips.

You’ll hear about the opportunities he negotiates before anyone else… and you’ll be on the “friends and family” list for any private opportunities we come across.

We’ll also organize annual and quarterly events that are more formal in nature.
You’ll get the kind of access and consulting time with Lief, me, and our teams of attorneys and experts that most readers can only dream about…

A trip-of-a-lifetime in China…

In the past, Lief and I carved out time around Live And Invest Overseas conferences to meet with attendees. But as our businesses continue to grow, we’re no longer able to be at every Live And Invest Overseas event.

And, with our kids grown and enjoying their own full lives, we plan to embrace our status as empty nesters and stay on the move… traveling between our favorite places and exploring new territory… sometimes on a whim…

In other words, we’re a tough pair to pin down. At least for the average reader…

But, as we move around the world, we’ll welcome our Private Network members to join us… to share our international lifestyle… to answer your important questions (big and small)… and set you up with the people who can make things happen wherever in the world you wish to make a move…

It could be an invitation to meet Lief and me and a couple of experts at a favorite café in Paris… a tapas bar in Lagos, Portugal… the Flute Champagne bar in New York City… or for cocktails at our private apartment in Medellín, Colombia… You could even join Lief at the gun range in Panama City… Or go fishing with us in Nova Scotia when we visit our property there…

Only friends and family get this kind of access.

I hope you’ll join our little group…

You can see your full invitation right here.

Until next time,

Kathleen Peddicord Signature

Kathleen Peddicord

Founding Publisher, Live And Invest Overseas