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Sign up for our free daily dispatch Offshore Living Letter and immediately receive our FREE research report on how to live tax-free today, while earning up to $208,200!

Twice a week you will discover the absolute best locations to invest, buy foreign property, diversify, and protect your hard-earned assets.

Reload Your Life: Our Offshore Gun And Criminal Check Guides

Your Guide To Guns Overseas... With My Compliments

Earlier this year, my Customer Service team compiled a list of the topics most frequently asked about by my readers.

Now, we’re not quite sure just how many members of the mafia are reading these dispatches…

But it turns out that the two most-often-asked-about subjects are guns… and criminal background checks.

Joking aside, these are, in fact, important topics for anyone considering a life abroad.

Firearms, of course, are a hot topic in the United States right now. Some readers are concerned that gun control will eventually erode their freedom to bear arms…

Other readers want the level of self-defense that gun ownership brings…

And others simply want to know if they can continue enjoying hobbies that they’ve had for decades.

Comprehensive and accurate information on gun ownership and hunting overseas is hard to find, so, realizing the level of interest in the topic, my team and I got to work.

I’m happy to announce the product of our research, just completed… our newest special report: “Who’s Packing? A Primer On The Right To Bear Arms In Latin America And Europe.”

The second new resource we’ve compiled based on reader interest deals with criminal background checks… and the list of countries that do not require one as part of the residency process.

If you had a little too much fun in the 1960s and 1970s and carry some long-ago criminal conviction on your police record, the unfortunate reality is that some countries will not allow you to become a resident.

Go Offshore Today

Sign up for our free daily dispatch Offshore Living Letter and immediately receive our FREE research report on how to live tax-free today, while earning up to $208,200!

Twice a week you will discover the absolute best locations to invest, buy foreign property, diversify, and protect your hard-earned assets.

However, my team and I have put together a list of places that could represent a fresh start for you. The information we’ve found will show you exactly where your criminal record will not disqualify you from residency overseas.

There’s another, administratively practical reason why it can be an appealing idea to focus on countries that don’t require criminal background checks when considering where to establish your back-up residency.

It can take months to receive your background check from the FBI (or the equivalent). Worse, it’s not uncommon for applications to be rejected because the fingerprints are deemed unreadable. In this case, you have to start the process over again… at US$50 a pop.

Our second new report, “Speed Up Your Residency By Skipping The Background Check,” shows you where you can avoid those hassles and costs altogether.

Now Here's An Offer You Can't Refuse...

We’re making both of these reports available free to all Simon Letter subscribers.

If you’re a Simon Letter subscriber in good standing… you should have received these reports to your inbox by now.

If you’re not yet a Simon Letter subscriber, I recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to become one. As soon as you do, my team will send both of these new reports to you immediately.

You must subscribe within the next 48 hours to take advantage of this special offer.

Do that here now.

Lief Simon: