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Tag: American Overseas

02 Dec
Cowboy on Montana ridge at first light,mountain background.

The Spirit Of Adventure

Americans used to be the great movers of the world. Think of the pioneers who settled the West… traveling thousands of miles with nothing just to find a place where they could truly live free, far from the Old World governments that kept them down… looking for new opportunities on new lands because opportunities had [...]
29 Aug
Capitol Hill Building ,Washington DC.

Taxing Times

In October, I’ll be in Porto, Portugal, for my annual Offshore Wealth Summit. One of the topics we’ll cover is filing taxes as an American offshore. Taxes are a hot topic right now as the presidential race heats up… Should he be elected, Trump plans to permanently extend his 2017 tax cuts, eliminate taxes on [...]
04 Jul
Happy family with American flag at sunset outdoors

Does Living Overseas Make You Less American?

Do I feel more or less American living overseas? I get this question a lot. I’ve been living outside the States for closing in on 25 years, and, to answer the question I’m so often asked, I’ve never felt more American than I do today. Living in the States (I lived in Baltimore, Maryland, for […]