Offshore Living Letter is a publication of Live and Invest Overseas. Our goal is to provide timely, actionable information on all things offshore, including: how to go offshore, diversifying your portfolio, wealth creation, protecting your assets, and much more.
Tag: Buying Property Overseas
This Could Be The Easiest 30% You’ve Ever Earned
Finding Los Islotes
How To Vet An Overseas Property Purchase (And Avoid Being Taken!)
An attendee at a webinar I hosted earlier this month asked for specific recommendations for how to carry out due diligence on real estate investment opportunities abroad. He knows how to do his due diligence for real estate purchases back home, where he is an active investor, he explained, but he is just getting started […]
Two Things To Understand Before Buying Property Overseas
Are You Preparing For The U.S. Dollar Collapse?
As Mark Twain might have put it, the death of the U.S. dollar has been exaggerated. Or at least prematurely prognosticated. Dollar doom pundits continue to point out all the negative things going on in the United States—stifling debt, exploding credit, polarized political arena, fundamentally unsound fundamentals. And, as a result, they continue to predict […]
Walk Away Or Bid Higher—How To Cope In Real Estate Negotiations In Developing Markets
A friend told me over dinner last week about a property investment he tried to make in Mendoza, Argentina. He likes the city, but he travels a lot and has property investments in many other countries. He didn’t really need an apartment in Mendoza and owning one would further complicate an already complicated life. On […]