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Tag: Diversification Offshore

14 Jan
Running offshore laptop business while on the beach

Why Offshore Investments Have Real Benefits

Traveling in the United States over the holidays I was reminded, as I always am, that that country is one of the easiest places in the world to live and spend time. You might wonder, therefore, understandably: Why do anything offshore in the first place? Easier, surely, just to stay put. Overregulation, overreach, invasions of […]

10 Dec
The Importance Of Diversifying Out Of The U.S. Dollar And U.S. Markets

The Importance Of Diversifying Out Of The U.S. Dollar And U.S. Markets

An attendee at my Offshore Summit last month told me that, while he has traveled all over the globe and has friends in many different cities around the world, he had never, until last month’s event, considered buying real estate in another country. Despite this, he has what, until that point, he has considered a well-diversified investment […]