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Tag: Diversification

24 Aug
a view of a pool with a house, blue sky and plants

My Simple (And Ever-Evolving) Strategy To Property Investing

What’s Your Property Investing Strategy? Here’s Mine… When I first started out investing in real estate overseas, my personal investment process was less refined than it is today. Twenty years ago when I got started at this, I would scout a new location to see what opportunities were available, and, because I could almost always [...]
15 Sep
Two passports laying on top of a map.

Second Passport

Why You Should Obtain A Second Passport Holding a second passport can be a very useful, convenient thing for the global citizen. It can alleviate potential safety issues for an American passport-holder. It can also mean greater ease of travel, a ready option for alternative residency, and the right to work in the country where [...]
06 Aug
Emergency Offshore Summit, Panama City, Panama

Emergency Offshore Summit, Panama City, Panama

What We Learned In Panama This Week This week's Emergency Offshore Summit in Panama City was exhausting and exhaustive. The overriding theme was one that I've been heralding for years, specifically: The offshore world is an ever-moving target...so take action when you can. Otherwise, you could lose your window of opportunity. In Panama, one bank [...]