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Tag: diversify

09 Sep
Sea port and Old Town of Kyrenia (Girne) is a city on the north coast of Cyprus.

Above-Average Appreciation In A Mediterranean Haven

I first found out about Northern Cyprus from Lief Simon back in 2018. I’ll admit that I didn’t know much about this tiny territory in the eastern Mediterranean back then. But Lief made a strong case for it, so I got up to speed quickly. It’s not every day that he identifies a new breakout [...]
09 Feb
risk buying real estate. Landscape with Candelaria town on Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Top Rules To Minimize Risk When Going Offshore

I didn’t start my investment career overseas. My investing journey began at home. “Risk buying real estate” I bought my first investment property in the United States. It was 1995, and I bought a three-flat building in Chicago. I was renting an apartment in another three-flat, and the owners told us they were selling the […]

27 Jun
Man standing by sea looking at city view in Italy

Obtaining Individual Sovereignty In 8 Steps

You can’t create your own sovereign nation and name yourself king… But you can do the next best thing. You can live your life on your terms, largely freeing yourself of government interference, and you can become ruler of your own legal island. I’m talking about “Individual Sovereignty.” What does Self-Sovereignty look like… and how […]

20 Jan
Senior couple standing at top of hill on hike through countryside

Finding True Wealth: What Is Your Magic Retirement Number?

On the plane flying from Paris to Panama earlier this month, I read an article about a librarian who made the decision to take all of her money out of the stock market. It’s not that she’s worried about the stock market crashing. It’s that she’s reached her number. As the woman explained, she’s accumulated […]

17 Jan
Skyview of Manila, Philippines

7 Emerging Markets In 2022 For Offshore Diversification

If you aren’t taking at least some of your profits out of the U.S. stock market and putting it into real estate overseas, you’re not paying attention. The question isn’t whether to diversify beyond U.S. markets and specifically beyond U.S. stocks… it’s where, specifically, you should be placing those gains. Where am I focused this […]