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Tag: diversify

30 Apr
town by sea

Diversify Now Or Pay Later: Why You Need To Sell Your Stocks

What Should You Be Invested In Right Now? Not This... As some countries in Europe and some states in the United States begin reopening for business, the long-term impacts of shutting down global economies are being debated by experts and amateurs alike. The U.S. stock market, as tracked by the S&P 500, is still down [...]
28 Jun
map with flags planted on different countries

Why You Should Diversify Your Life Offshore And How I Started

“Think back,” my editor wife counseled… “Why, originally, did you want to go offshore?” Here in Paris Kathleen and I have more time for reflection. Separate and distant from the day-by-day responsibilities of the office in Panama, we’re more flexible in every way. Instead of rushing to the office each morning and diving into our […]

28 Nov
Your Best Financial Strategy Now That Trump Has Won. Donald trump pointing the finger at the camara in a suit with a blue tie

Your Best Financial Strategy Now That Trump Has Won

The U.S. elections are finally over, and now the talking heads have moved on to discuss the minutiae of Donald Trump’s transition plans. Meanwhile, friends, colleagues, readers, and consulting clients are writing each day to ask what Trump’s victory means for me… How am I adjusting my holdings, my investment plans, and my Plan B […]

Last Tax Loopholes

The Last Tax Loopholes: Two Assets The IRS Doesn't Care About... Yet The Assets You Need To Own Before The IRS Starts Taking Them Too! You know that, as an American, wherever in the world you go, Uncle Sam requires you to report on your worldwide income and assets. Most tax loopholes for going offshore were [...]

How To Earn $208,200 A Year Tax-Free

How To Live Tax Free Overseas  Finally: Regular Folks Can Now Access The Wealth Building And Protection Strategies Of The Rich And Famous… Millionaires and politicians have known the benefits of building and preserving wealth overseas for centuries. Spurred by greed, necessity, or just plain resourcefulness, international strategies have protected earnings from frivolous lawsuits, onerous [...]
16 Jan
brazil - Minha casa, minha vida investment opportunity in Brazil

Investment Opportunity In Brazil

A couple of weeks ago, I introduced you to a new opportunity in Brazil. The response has been strong, and one of the biggest reasons is that the developer allows investors to choose the currency for their investments from among several hard currencies, including the U.S. dollar, euro, British pound, Canadian dollar, and Singapore dollar. […]

09 Dec

Bitcoin Investment

A reader chastised me a few months ago for not having reported on Bitcoin in this e-letter (or anywhere, for that matter). Of course, I’d heard about Bitcoin, but I hadn’t paid much attention to it…until the reader’s comment.Since then, I’ve taken a closer look. My conclusion? Tulipmania.In Amsterdam between November 1636 and February 1637, […]

24 Oct
Looking Ahead To A Possible Financial Meltdown

Looking Ahead To A Possible Financial Meltdown

At the end of September, the national bank of Panama shut down the entire ATM system countrywide over a weekend to upgrade the programming… Small inconvenience at the time. Now, a month later, the situation has moved from minor inconvenience to big pain in the neck. People using foreign debit cards to try to withdraw […]