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Tag: France

04 Jul
Happy family with American flag at sunset outdoors

Does Living Overseas Make You Less American?

Do I feel more or less American living overseas? I get this question a lot. I’ve been living outside the States for closing in on 25 years, and, to answer the question I’m so often asked, I’ve never felt more American than I do today. Living in the States (I lived in Baltimore, Maryland, for […]

18 Nov
Green field of potato crops in a row

Investing In Productive Land To Prepare For Coming Food Shortages

A study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine calls out the danger to food security created by an overweight global population. Larger bodies require more energy even when sitting still. The global population is expected to grow by 1.9 billion people between now and the year 2050. The added strain on the […]

05 Aug
Many chuckholes in asphalt damaged road.

The Truth About Developed And Developing Countries

Chad might not have even been considered developing when I was there. The capital city N’Djamena had an international airport but not a terminal to speak of… and I don’t remember a single paved road at the time. Western Kazakhstan had oil (I was working for a drilling company) but not much else. Of course, […]

31 May
Carmelita Gardens, a sustainable tiny home community in Belize

Tiny Homes For A Big Life… And Profits

In Today’s World, Going Tiny Can Mean Living Large Tiny homes have been a growing trend in the United States for the past 10 years or more. You know an idea has become mainstream when a reality TV series is launched on the topic. In fact, though, Americans are late to this party. Europeans have [...]
05 Nov
Blue sign warning of that face mask is mandatory due to Covid-19 or coronavirus in airport.

What Traveling To Europe In November 2020 Is Like

Getting to Ireland wasn’t a concern. Returning Irish citizens are allowed to enter Ireland from anywhere. You have to complete a form online that includes where you will be staying for your first 14 days after arrival, as the Irish government wants you to self-quarantine for that period. However, no destination information is required if […]