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Tag: go offshore

Free Resources

Open Season On Hunting And Gun Ownership Overseas Who's Packing? A Primer On The Right To Bear Arms On Latin America And Europe Read More Your Passport To Freedom: The 7 BEST Citizenships To Get Through Ancestry Dual citizenship is one of the most effective tools available for international diversification, privacy protection, and offshore investing. [...]
17 Oct
Porto old town and dom luis bridge with duoro river, portugal

A $120k Real Estate Opportunity You Can’t Afford To Miss

I’ll have to keep it brief today… As I write, the sun isn’t yet up here in Porto but scores of your fellow readers who jetted in from across the U.S., Europe, and even Asia, are—and they’re keen to get going on day two of my Offshore Wealth Summit. Yesterday we covered how to create [...]
28 Dec
Best Places To Go Offshore in 2017

The 5 Best Places To Go Offshore And Diversify In 2018

Lief Simon Names The World's Best Places To Go Offshore In 2018 The offshore world is ever-changing. Legislation, regulation, incentives, bureaucracy, and market fundamentals shift the terrain for where could be considered the best places to open an offshore bank account, base a business, diversify your investment portfolio, or establish backup residency, for example. In [...]
09 Jan
Best Places To Go Offshore in 2017

The 5 Best Places To Go Offshore And Diversify In 2017

The offshore world is fast moving. Ever-changing legislation, regulation, incentives, bureaucracy, and market fundamentals mean that the best places to open an offshore bank account, base a business, or establish backup residency, for example, one month are not necessarily your top choices the next. As we stand at the start of New Year 2017, where […]

Panama Papers Exposed

Panama Papers Exposed: How To LEGALLY Game The System Secret Strategies Of The Offshore World: Why You Shouldn’t Care About The “Panama Papers” Not everybody who doles out international investing advice actually knows what they’re talking about. Recent discussions in the media regarding the “Panama Papers” have proven this truer than ever. While the uneducated [...]

How To Earn $208,200 A Year Tax-Free

How To Live Tax Free Overseas  Finally: Regular Folks Can Now Access The Wealth Building And Protection Strategies Of The Rich And Famous… Millionaires and politicians have known the benefits of building and preserving wealth overseas for centuries. Spurred by greed, necessity, or just plain resourcefulness, international strategies have protected earnings from frivolous lawsuits, onerous [...]
01 Jun
View from Q1 looking north

The Benefits And Advantages Of Living, Retiring, And Investing Offshore

I’m traveling in the United States this week. The visit is reminding me that, in fact, this is one of the easiest places in the world to live and spend time. You might wonder understandably: Why do anything offshore in the first place? Easier, surely, just to stay put. Overregulation, overreach, invasions of privacy, and […]

30 Jul
Don't Let Your Friends Talk You Out Of It

Don’t Let Your Friends Talk You Out Of It

That question was posed to Jackson by one of his cousins while Jack was visiting family in the States last month. The conversation between the two 12-year-olds had to do with Jackson’s summer travel plans. He’d mentioned that we were going to be spending a couple of weeks in Medellin at our apartment there and […]