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Tag: going offshore

15 Sep
Going offshore surrounded by a map, euros, and a passport.

Going Offshore

So You're Thinking About Going Offshore? Going offshore has in recent years become a more mainstream idea. If you had asked people about going offshore as recently as the 90s they might have thought you to be a criminal, drug lord, or tax dodger. These days the offshore world is far from a foreign idea. It has become [...]
15 Sep
A piggy bank inside of a briefcase with the words Asset Protection on front.

Asset Protection

What You Need To Know About Asset Protection Today It is important to know what  international asset protection is and what it is not. A properly constructed asset protection plan places a portion of your net worth behind multiple barriers…the more barriers, the greater the protection. It allows you to level the litigation playing field and [...]
14 Jan
Running offshore laptop business while on the beach

Why Offshore Investments Have Real Benefits

Traveling in the United States over the holidays I was reminded, as I always am, that that country is one of the easiest places in the world to live and spend time. You might wonder, therefore, understandably: Why do anything offshore in the first place? Easier, surely, just to stay put. Overregulation, overreach, invasions of […]