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Tag: invest overseas

12 Dec
Ancient temples and turquoise sea of Cyprus island

A Hands-Off Property Play On An Island Paradise

Year-round sunshine and clear blue waters… What more could you want from an island escape? Well, I always look for more. When I consider any overseas location, it’s with two principles in mind… The first is: does it help with my “Plan B”? In other words, could I live there if things went bad somewhere [...]
13 Nov
Black truffles recently recollected. legacy investment

The Ultimate Legacy Investment

Murcia, Spain, known as the Vegetable Garden of Europe, is famous for its bounty of fruits, vegetables, and spices that are exported all over Europe and beyond. This is where my husband and I bought into a truffle farm about three years ago, and I happened to be passing through the area recently… The farm [...]
01 Sep
Medieval architecture in Appingedam Netherlands

How To Invest With A Self-Directed IRA

If you’ re looking to diversify your portfolio to include real estate overseas—as you should be—you may be hoping to fund that investment strategy with the help of your IRA or 401(k). Buying property with a self-directed IRA allows you to generate income and capital gains free from U.S. income taxes (until you finally withdraw […]

09 Jun
Close-up portrait of an elderly couple hugging on seacoast

The 7 Flag Theory Of Diversification: The Key To A Secure Retirement

How do you pack a go bag?That is, how do you create a fully diversified, profit-rich, tax-light, bulletproof life?Step by step.You’ve heard of the Five Flags. In fact, there are seven… Banking Foreign Residency Dual Citizenship Earning Money Offshore Offshore Investing Asset Protection And Estate Planning Mitigating And Managing Tax Liabilities You don’t need to […]