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Tag: Investment

23 Mar
agricultural land growing

Why I’m Glad That I Hold The World’s Most Valuable Asset

Here’s What To Do Today To Prepare For The Pain And Hardship We’re Facing The death rate from the coronavirus won’t make a dent in the global population even if 100% of us catch the bug. That is: The human race is not going to become extinct. Economies and markets will recover, too… eventually. We’re [...]
16 Mar
mango orchard, mango on a tree

Why An Agricultural Investment Is A Crisis Safe Haven

World Borders Are Closing... Here's What You Need To Know When the doors closed, they closed fast and hard. Panama has stopped all flights from Europe and Asia. Germany has closed its land borders to all traffic except goods and people commuting for work. Poland had already closed its border with Germany in an effort [...]
30 Jan
hundred dollar bills in a stack

What’s Going To Happen To The U.S. Dollar In This Decade?

4 Predictions As We Embark On A New Decade So… we’re starting the ‘20s. Before we consider what this new decade might look like, let’s take a look at the ‘10s and what they brought. At the start of last decade, offshore and investment gurus were calling for the collapse of the U.S. dollar. The [...]
29 Apr
An exchange rate board

Why I Focus On Real Estate Price And Not Exchange Rate

I don’t usually pay attention to exchange rates on a daily basis. However, being in Europe for the last month, I’ve been watching the U.S. dollar rate versus the euro. The euro has dropped from US$1.13 to US$1.115 since I arrived about four weeks ago. The difference of a penny-and-a-half—or a bit less than 1.5%—isn’t […]

11 Feb
A monopoly board with houses and hotels and a card that reads "overseas property investments"

Things To Consider When Investing In Properties Overseas

If you purchase a piece of real estate in another country, should you have the ownership documents issued in your name or, perhaps, in the name of a corporation? If a corporation, should it be a local company (formed in the jurisdiction where you’re purchasing) or one based somewhere else? I get these questions from […]

25 Oct
orange mangos in a basket

Find Out Where Money Grows On Trees For Up To 80 Years

Cash Flow Of Up To 45% Per Year (I’m Not Kidding) 2018 has been a great year for us global property investors... And it's not over yet. In fact, I'd say my latest discovery is the best we've had all year. The numbers are compelling... For a one-time investment of US$39,000, you can position yourself [...]
28 May
An aerial view of the Fortaleza beachfront

Fortaleza, Brazil: Earn 18% To 20% Return On Your Investment

Earn 18% To 20% Net From This Coastal Rental? Too Good To Be True? A developer in Brazil is projecting what any serious investor (including me) would initially consider to be unrealistic net rental yields of 18% to 20% for his new coastal townhouse development. However, stick with me. These returns are extraordinary... but I [...]
20 Jul
Man holding small piggy bank in his hands

Your Investments Are About You, After All It Is YOUR Money

A developer I work with in Brazil wrote to me this week to say that several recent reservations he’s received from would-be American buyers have been cancelled after the buyers have spoken with their financial advisors. Reasons these financial advisors have counseled their clients to pull out of purchases after having signed contracts include: It’s […]

15 Sep
Two jars filled with money for retirement.

FAQs About IRA Investing Offshore

International Investment Through An IRA IRAs are a great way to grow a portion of your investment assets on a tax-deferred basis. Most Americans have their IRA assets locked up in U.S. stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The tax code that regulates IRAs and other defined retirement accounts, however, does not place many of the [...]