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Tag: money laundering

20 Jul
Offshore Banking in Andorra

Can One Bad Apple Bring Down Offshore Banking In Andorra?

Five years ago, when the U.S. FATCA law had just been passed and the effects it would have on non-U.S. banks were a hot topic for speculation, a banker I knew from Andorra made a remark to me along the lines of: “We’ll all go back to goat herding before we roll over for the […]

28 May
offshore corporation bank account is the first stop into Reducing Tax

Aggressive Anti-Money-Laundering Efforts Make Offshore Banking More Challenging

I’ve been reporting on the coming of FATCA for eight years. That’s old news. FATCA has arrived. It’s a reality of today’s offshore world. Banks have decided or are in the process of deciding which path they’ll follow toward compliance. Either they’ll continue to work with American clients and meet all the reporting requirements… or […]