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Tag: property in uruguay

08 Jun
Politesse For Investors Abroad

How To Protect Against Currency Fluctuations When Living And Investing Overseas

This week two readers have written to ask about currency risk when moving overseas. One was concerned about moving to a U.S. dollar-denominated destination from the U.K.; the other was wondering about moving to Portugal from the United States. These readers’ concerns about currency exchange fluctuations are valid. A retiree on a fixed income could […]

23 Mar

Agriculture And Productive Land Are The Biggest Current Property Investment Opportunity

An important focus at last week’s Global Property Summit in Panama was agriculture. As we discussed with the help of agricultural and other relevant industry experts, an investment in productive land is the biggest opportunity of our age. The global population will surpass 9 billion by 2050. The percentage of undernourished people around the world […]