What Should You Be Invested In Right Now? Not This... As some countries in Europe and some states in the United States begin reopening for business, the long-term impacts of shutting down global economies are being debated by experts and amateurs alike. The U.S. stock market, as tracked by the S&P 500, is still down [...]
Call Me Cold And Heartless… But I’d Say We’re In For The Greatest Buyer’s Market The World Has Ever Seen Some might call it cold or heartless... I call it being pragmatic. The fact is that the COVID-19 crisis is going to create one of the greatest buyer’s markets the world has ever seen. Overleveraged [...]
Global Property Markets Post-Coronavirus—Here’s How And Where To Profit What will global property markets look like post the COVID-19 pandemic? I do not believe we’re going to see 40% to 70% drops like we did in the wake of the 2008/2009 global crisis, when real estate markets worldwide took huge hits with few exceptions. However, [...]
Coronavirus, The Tokyo Olympics, The Copa America 2020, And Other Strategies For Spiking Rental Returns To identify the ideal rental property for investment overseas, first you consider the market and satisfy yourself that it's got legs and upside... Then you evaluate the specific property's expected income, expenses, and return on investment... Finally, you research and [...]
Coronavirus Profits As the death toll ticks up, traditional investors don't know how to treat the spread of the coronavirus. Most investors are experiencing one heck of a roller-coaster ride. Good thing we're not most investors. Cash-flowing global property investments—especially productive land investments—are looking smarter than ever right now. Meantime, the good ole American dollar [...]
What Frank Lloyd Wright Taught Me About Other People’s Money My first real estate purchase was in Chicago. I was renting in a three-flat when the owner sent a notice to all the tenants informing them he was listing the property for sale. It was a Frank Lloyd Wright building. My apartment was big, the [...]
Latin Beauties And A Police Shoot-out I traveled to Ecuador for the first time in 1999. This was before the country dollarized. The sucre fell from about 7,000 to the U.S. dollar to 24,000 to the U.S. dollar that year. Meantime, El Niño had devastated Ecuador's coastal regions, contributing to the economic chaos. Chaos breeds [...]
I've Tripled My Money In This Market And Am Diving Back In For More If you're holding U.S. dollars, you have a window of opportunity right now to take advantage of super-charged buying power in key overseas markets. The dollar's current strength is creating irresistible bargains in some countries where real estate trades in the [...]
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10 Best Places To Invest In Property Overseas In 2020, Part 2 Today, part two of our two-part survey on the World’s Top Property Markets For 2020. To review, the five markets we’ve recommended already (in Part 1) are: Brazil Panama Belize Portugal Colombia Now to the final five of our picks for best places to [...]
The Experts Have Got This All Wrong My first work overseas experience was more than 25 years ago… in Chad. I was sent to the country on assignment by the oil-drilling company I was working for to fill in for their administrative manager while she took her six weeks annual vacation. Before the trip, the [...]
Offshore Living Letter is a publication of Live and Invest Overseas. Our goal is to provide timely, actionable information on all things offshore, including: how to go offshore, diversifying your portfolio, wealth creation, protecting your assets, and much more.
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