The World Is Ending… Where Should You Go? A reader wrote this week to ask where I’d recommend as the ideal destination in a doomsday scenario. Where would qualify as the best place to be in an end-of-the-world situation? The reader specifically referenced a shutdown of global trade. I would want a place where enough [...]
World's Best Residency And Citizenship Program Dozens of countries offer residency- and citizenship-through-investment programs. The United States and Canada, for example, have used these kinds of programs to attract wealthy immigrants for generations. More recently, countries on our radar have been trying to woo the world's wealthy in the market for backup residency and passports. [...]
How Trump Could Make My Grandchildren Stateless Turns out, my Monday missive on the opportunities presented by countries offering jus soli citizenship was timelier than I realized at the time. Within 24 hours of our publishing that essay, President Trump announced that he is considering issuing an executive order to eliminate jus soli in the United States. As I pointed out [...]
Resident Of Nowhere? Full-time residency in another country or a backup residency just in case... These are two topics I address regularly in these dispatches, in my Simon Letter advisory service, and at conferences. But what about no residency? Discovering the world as a global nomad is an increasingly popular idea among the millennial crowd, but we olds [...]
This Country Ticks All The Go-Offshore Boxes About 18 months ago I began the process of applying for residency and citizenship in the Dominican Republic. My attorney in the DR contacted me last month to let me know that my naturalization paperwork is almost ready. How soon could I make it back to the country [...]
Portugal is hot. I’ve been focusing time and attention on this country for the past two-and-a-half years. My first visit I bought a small apartment as a rental investment that is proving to have been one of the best property investment purchases of my career (and that’s more than 40 buys across two-dozen countries). The […]
The Dominican Republic is right now a land of opportunity. This country is among the best places to buy real estate in 2017, and certain areas in this country are the absolute best places to be shopping for affordable beachfront retirement digs and a great place to think about buying to let. Net rental yields […]
Why You Should Obtain A Second Passport Holding a second passport can be a very useful, convenient thing for the global citizen. It can alleviate potential safety issues for an American passport-holder. It can also mean greater ease of travel, a ready option for alternative residency, and the right to work in the country where [...]
What You Need To Know About Asset Protection Today It is important to know what international asset protection is and what it is not. A properly constructed asset protection plan places a portion of your net worth behind multiple barriers…the more barriers, the greater the protection. It allows you to level the litigation playing field and [...]
We got right to the point: Diversification. It’s the surprisingly simple answer to the sometimes seemingly impossible-to-process question: How do we survive the current age…and the even more troubling one that may be coming?
Offshore Living Letter is a publication of Live and Invest Overseas. Our goal is to provide timely, actionable information on all things offshore, including: how to go offshore, diversifying your portfolio, wealth creation, protecting your assets, and much more.
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