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Tag: Taxes

26 Sep
Man calculating his taxes

Tax Filing Extension For Americans Abroad

Tax Filing Primer For The American Abroad The second U.S. tax filing season is under way. If you filed an extension back in April (like I did), you have until Oct. 17 to file your tax return... and (don't forget) your Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR). While the United States' approach to taxing income is [...]
28 Jul
US Passport on the world map

Should You Renounce Your American Citizenship?

When Boris Johnson, soon-to-be former British Prime Minister, sold his London home in 2009, he didn’t pay any capital gains tax in the U.K. but was slapped unexpectedly with a U.S. tax bill. Boris is an “accidental American,” a person who has lived outside of the United States for the majority of his life but […]

15 May
Panoramic view of El Poblado in Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

El Poblado, Medellin’s Upscale Manila Neighborhood

Earn 8% Income And A 21% Gain On This US$25,000 Investment In Medellín, Colombia, Manila has long been the undiscovered treasure of the city’s upscale El Poblado sector. On its shady, tree-lined streets, you’ll find a mixture of houses, mom-and-pop businesses, and more than its share of nice restaurants and cafés. One of El Poblado’s smallest [...]
14 Apr
Panama City to the left and the Algarve, Portugal to the right

Panama Vs. Portugal: Comparing The Five Flags

I fly tonight from Panama to Paris… then, Monday morning, on to Lisbon in time to host next week’s Live And Invest In Portugal Conference. Repositioning from the New World to the Old reminds me that Americans often dismiss Europe for offshore lifestyle and investment options thinking the region is too complicated or too expensive. […]

21 Mar
Businessman removes wooden blocks with the word Tax

Comply And Conquer: How To Legally Minimize Your Tax Burden

We Americans have it rough when it comes to taxes. The Big Bad Wolf of the world’s financial arena—the IRS—calls our neck of the woods home. Feared worldwide these days… by banks and financial institutions as well as ordinary citizens from California to Switzerland… the U.S. Internal Revenue Service has become the hunting dog for […]

13 Jan
Adobe Stock/Yurii Kibalnik

The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Explained

How To Earn $224,000 Tax Free In 2022 The most important tool in the U.S. expat's tax toolbox is the foreign-earned income exclusion (referred to in tax-planning circles as the FEIE or "the exclusion"). If you qualify, it allows you to exclude up to US$112,000 in 2022 foreign-earned income from U.S. federal income tax. All [...]
26 Aug
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia skyline at dusk over the park.

Take Your Business Offshore To Operate Tax-Free

Exploring opportunities overseas is not only a strategy for diversifying your investment portfolio… but it’s also the best way I know to diversify your life—both your personal life and your professional one. That is, in today’s world, you can realize many benefits by taking your business offshore along with your investments and yourself—either your existing […]