Your Top Live And Invest Overseas Options For 2018 Identified
Fly-On-The-Wall Access To Lief’s Private Meetings This Week In Panama City
Each morning this week Lief and I have convened with our Panama City-based Live and Invest Overseas team in the private meeting rooms of a Casco Viejo hotel with one important agenda:
To chart our course for the coming year and beyond.
Where Will 2018 Take Us... And You?
Our editors are hunkered down mapping out answers to that question.
Our planning is based first on our collective experience in recent months. Where have we scouted… what are we investing in personally… whither do we intend to travel in the next 12 months…
In addition, as well, our editorial calendars, travel schedules, and conference calendars are being pinned down based on feedback from you, dear reader.
We receive thousands of emails every day from readers and subscribers looking for help with their own live and invest overseas plans. Where is it you’re most interested in spending your time and your money right now?
One big takeaway from our discussions this week is: More Europe.
You want it… and so do we.
Lief and I return to Paris next week just in time to prepare for our first-ever Live and Invest in France Conference.
Now that Lief and I will be spending more time on that side of the Pond, we’ll be able to expand our coverage of the Old World beyond our long-favorite Continental havens.
That is, now, in addition to France, Portugal, Italy, and Spain, we’re planning focused coverage of other Euro-destinations we think you should be paying attention to right now—including Croatia, Malta, Slovenia, and Crete… all places our scouts have been spending time on your behalf. Watch for their continued reporting over the coming months.
In addition, our German Marketing Manager Ines has gotten our attention with tales of her hometown Cologne. Lief and I are planning a visit early 2018.
What’s New In The Americas?
Our editorial agenda in this part of the world includes plans to…
- Take a fresh look at Cuenca, Ecuador. This granddaddy retire-overseas choice has our attention anew as it reinvents itself in real time. No longer just a great place to retire, Cuenca is attracting a younger expat these days, as Digital Nomads, wandering Millennials, and families with young children are realizing how pleasant and how affordable life can be in this colonial city…
- Introduce you to the next Boquete. Twenty years ago, I was the first to recommend that North Americans think about reinventing their lives in retirement in this Panamanian mountain town that a decade later the AARP named the world’s best place to retire overseas. Now we’ve identified another idyllic highlands village you should know about. No, it’s not in Panama…
- Return to Nicaragua. We’re longtime fans of this still-misunderstood country. I’ll be spending time on Nicaragua’s beautiful Pacific coast in January to see how much has changed since we last shone our spotlight here. Friends report luxury lifestyle options. Could that be true…
We’re agreeing our top choices for living well overseas… and also our top picks for making money.
Where are our property gurus investing their own time and money? We’ve identified four new opportunities in particular. Not ready to present these yet, as due diligence continues, but here are peeks behind this curtain. In 2018, we (and you) could be investing in…
- A vineyard growing grapes to make my favorite libation…
- First-in chance to own on one of Portugal’s most beautiful beaches…
- Latest offer (could be the best yet) from one of our favorite coastal developers in the Americas…
- Our newest turnkey agricultural offering… many months in the making…
Best places to think about spending time… best markets for investing money… and best jurisdictions for protecting, preserving, and growing wealth…
Your best options for going offshore in 2018 including these one-stop-shop jurisdictions…
- Dominican Republic
- Belize
- Malta
- Panama
Lots more discussion to come. Today Conference Director Valentine unveils her plan for 2018. Where will we be hosting events in the New Year?
Watch this space for details coming soon.
Kathleen Peddicord